/10 Things I Think About The Cork BHAA PWC 5k
1. Training Season
I think it’s great to have the midweek races back. They are a great excuse for not having to do a training session. I don’t particularly like training sessions, everyone else seems to love them, there are even podcasts dedicated to people talking about their training sessions in great detail. I wish that more people in Cork would do training sessions instead of races so that I could win BHAA races.
2. Evening Preparation
I think that it takes a while to get back into the flow of an evening race. An evening race is a lot harder to prepare for than a morning race especially for the belly. I basically ate toast for the day to keep the belly happy. Then I had to take a beetroot shot for the first time in the evening which is more unpleasant than in the morning.
3. Some Turnout
I think that there must have been nearly 1000 people at the race. It was a very big crowd for a small 5k on a dank, wet and windy evening in early April. It is great to see that so many people have discovered how great running races is. The BHAA people registering 1000 people in one hour is impressive work.
4. The Fear
I think that it is interesting that no matter how often I race I am always scared at the start. When I got to the start line at Kennedy Park, I found a terrible number of good runners, Denis Hegarty, Aidan Noone, James Hayes and Adamh who I jogged over to the start with. At least I’ll be able to beat Peter Hanrahan I thought.
5. He Gone
I think that Denis Hegarty is a very good strategist. It is an excellent strategy to just run away from everyone at such a pace that no one will even think about trying to follow you, Mark Hanrahan used to do this to great effect. Before we got to the Live at the Marquee junction after about a kilometer Denis had the race won with second and third place being all that was left for decision.
6. Cork No Track Club
I think that being able beat all of the Cork No Track Club athletes would guarantee at least a few BHAA road race victories. They may have no track, but they have some good athletes. Tonight, they sent James Hayes, I knew he was probably going to run away from me over the last mile like Anthony and Barry normally do but it was nice to be able to stay with him for a while.
7. It’s The Athletes Responsibility to Know the Course
I think that if I learned anything from last year it was that you could potentially become a national champion over 10k by knowing the course when everyone else doesn’t. Because of that race I now study the race route in great detail before the race so that I can win if there is any confusion. The bit around SuperValu Pairc Ui Caoimh seemed to cause James Hayes great confusion. James Hayes is a nice man so I told him where the course went and we were all fine.
8. The Monster
I think that Billy is a very good judge of characters. He has always called Peter Hanrahan the monster ever since they first met in The Edge when Billy was about two. As we came back onto Center Park Road for the final mile I was horrified to see Peter cruising along with perfect form looking completely untroubled in his Swiss engineered On Cloudboom Echo shoes which no one else wears. I knew that we were all doomed if Peter was in touch within sight of the line so I tried briefly to push the pace to get rid of him. It did nothing, this monster was undroppable.
9. That Point
I think that races are very annoying. The worst part of any race is that point when the group you are with gradually eases away and there is nothing that you can do about it. It is terrible and doesn’t seem fair at the time as you are trying very hard. As we passed the Marina Market it was still a group of five, first James Hayes slowly increased the pace, followed by Aidan. Then to my horror Peter followed Aidan and I was left briefly left with Adhamh before he too gradually distanced me. There was nothing I could do except run home as fast as I could and try and get under 16 minutes which I didn’t.
10. Zero Carbon
I think that the BHAA races are very green races. The Green Party would have been very happy with me tonight. Tim gave me a lift into the race, the race number had already been used at least once if not twice and I gave it back afterwards, even the safety pins had been used before. Then to make it even greener I ran home as my warm down as I hadn’t reached the acceptable amount of running for the day which is currently 10 miles. There are benefits to not being good enough to win prizes, it’s probably green not to win prizes too.
pHOTO: gRAHAM meikle