Cork BHAA Janssen 5K 2025

10 Things I Think About The Janssen Cork BHAA 5K

1. In GPS we Trust, Everyone Else Needs a Jones Counter

I think that the Cork BHAA Little Island 5K route might be the most famous 5K route in Cork. It’s the one where everyone runs tremendous times, the one where the Stravalurkers who didn’t run the race think it’s short because they don’t like the times. The GPS watch must be trusted, never mind that it has been measured with a wheel, the GPS watch is always right. I was hoping the Stravalurkers were right I fancied a 5K PB, it’s been a while.

2. Late for the Late Start

I think that it was a great achievement to almost miss the start of a BHAA race that started fourteen minutes late. There was a very long queue for registration, very long, it went back into a part of the sports hall that I didn’t know existed. At 10am it looked like the race couldn’t start for at least another 30 minutes, so I decided to drive down to the finish with Rhona and Billy and jog back up to the start. As I was putting on my magic shoes Michael Herlihy offered to drive me up to the start as he said they were just about to start, fearing the speed of the Audi Etron more than missing the race I decided to jog up. Running past the eerily empty sports hall I feared that I was about to meet a wave of runners. Luckily, they were just after the “for god’s sake will ye push back” phase of the start so I was fine.

3. White Shorts

I think that it is too difficult to purchase coloured shorts. Irish people are very boring when it comes to colours. Shorts are grey or black, cars are grey or black, nothing else is allowed. Spanish races are very different, it is like a competition to see who can wear the most colourful costume. My contribution to the battle against the grey and black short brigade is white shorts, yes they look like GAA shorts but they’re not grey and not black. You can get them off Adidas, they’re retro apparently.

4. Tis Neither Good for Man nor Beast

I think that the real reason why the Cork BHAA Little Island 5K route produces so many tremendous times is the prevailing wind direction. The route runs from west to east so normally it has a strong tailwind component for about 70% of the race. Unluckily for us on Sunday we encountered the beast from the east meaning, 70% of the race was run into a block cold headwind. Not good for the PB chances.

5. Two Beasts

I think that the other runners in the race were very lucky that John Meade and I turned up for the race. Two brave men not afraid to run into the wind. The race quickly settled into a formation that would not change from start to finish except for the bit at the finish that actually is the most important bit of the race. John Meade and I up front, Aidan Noone in the quarterback position, flanked by Darren McCann, John Longan and Sean Twohig.

6. Three K Trouble

I think that I knew I was in trouble after three kilometres. Three kilometres in a five kilometre race is a crucial point, if you are in a group at three K you’ll probably be in the group at five K. The group of six was still a group of six. I tried everything I could to shed a few from the group, everything involved trying to run fast down the hill but every time we turned right at the bottom of the hill we were met with a wall of wind and John Meade brought everyone back together.

7. One to Go

I think that I knew what was going to happen with a kilometre to go. The fourth kilomtre marker at the top of the hill signified the start of the actual race. For the second time I tried my only tactic of running fast down the hill. Again John Meade neutralized the attack, unlike the first attack Aidan also followed John Meade so I went from first to third. Aidan had yet to feel a breeze at this stage having cleverly and patiently waited for myself and John Meade to tire ourselves out.

8. John Meade Fan Club

I think that Aidan is lucky that John Meade didn’t take inspiration from Martin Drake who was marshalling the turn for home. Martin is very clearly a John Meade fan and was vociferous in his support for John once we turned right with between 400 and 430m to go depending on whether you are going by GPS or measured course. John initiated the all too familiar John Meade sprint which is usually an insurmountable challenge for all but the best local elite Cork BHAA runners, unluckily for John he had Aidan Noone on his tail, a man who is borderline unbeatable in a sprint as John was about to find out.

9. Swamped

I think that I would normally be able to hold onto some level of contact with a John Meade finishing kick. Sunday was different, once John and Aidan had separated themselves from the group of six I was left in third. I didn’t stay third for long as coming onto the finishing straight Darren McCann flew around the outside of me in a pair of what looked like Adidas Adios Pro 4s, I tried to sprint but my sprint isn’t very sprinty so it wasn’t long until I saw John Longan and Sean Twohig fly by leaving me to jog home 10 seconds and six places behind Aidan.

10. Suspicious Fast

I think that having run the Cork BHAA Little Island 5K route there is something about the course that makes it fast. Despite the headwind and tactical race the times were tremendously fast. I don’t think it is short as I have carefully reviewed the GPS data and it is clear that the GPS is cutting the corners so reading shorter than the route that we actually run. I think it is fast because of magic shoes, a course that lends itself to the formation of groups and being ever so slightly downhill, add a westerly wind and it’s very tremendously fast. Anyway I don’t really understand the obsession with 5K road times, who cares what time you ran, it’s much more important who beats who and Aidan Noone beat us all very badly especially John Meade.

Cork BHAA GNI 5K 2024

10 Things I Think About The Cork BHAA Gas Networks Ireland 5k

1. Old New Route

I think that the upgrade of the Marina has revealed the most perfect 5k route in the world, flat to slightly downhill with a likely tailwind for the crucial last 3k. If wasn’t for the pedestrian bridge it would be ridiculously fast. It seems that a lot of other people think the same, that or a t-shirt for €5 is capable of drawing a crowd of 600 people to Blackrock on a Wednesday night for a 5k at 8pm in July.

2. Is that the Start?

I think that the BHAA are making good progress in marking out the start line. There was a sign and a line with markers for the different pace levels. It was all very professional. It took very little shouting for people to push back for the race to get underway.

3. Photo, Photo, Photo

I think that it was great that there were so many photographers on hand to take photos of the start. This will be particularly handy for figuring out where the race is to start next time around. There was Graham, Mick Dooley and another photographer who I haven’t seen before. The new photographer was threatening to lie on the ground in the middle of the path about 50m up from the start. This didn’t seem wise even if we are all wearing nice soft magic shoes it wouldn’t be pleasant to be run over, especially by me or Michael Herlihy, thankfully he got out of the way just in time.

4. Tunnel of Sound

I think that the tunnel where the teenagers light fires and break glass bottles is a great tunnel to run in. There is a fabulous sound running through the tunnel in a pack of runners who have just started a 5k. Graham was on hand at the exit of the tunnel to capture the sights and sounds. I had decided after the last 5k on this route that I would stay calm until after the pedestrian bridge so I sat in behind Peter Hanrahan but ahead of Mike.

5. Patience

I think that I did very well to stay patient for the first few kilometres of the race. Normally I am immediately filled with pure hatred and want to get to the front immediately in the hope that I can stay ahead and beat everyone. I resolved this time to keep the hatred simmering before turning it up for the last kilometre if possible. It was difficult to do, it helped that Michael Herlihy was behind me.

6. Bridge the Gap

I think that I used the other runners in the race well. My main goal in the race was not time, it was to beat Michael Herlihy. I spent from the second kilometre to the third kilometre bridging between groups. I even got over the pedestrian bridge relatively fast. Describing how to pace a 5k properly is difficult, it’s like trying to describe how to kick a ball onto a particular point. It’s more of a feeling than anything else.

7. Unexpected Headwind

I think that the reason so many people turned up aside from the t-shirt was the wind forecast. I’m sure everyone else studies Windy before the race to check for excellent tailwinds. On the forecast it looked beautiful with a strong tailwind as soon as we took the sharp left onto the walkway back to Blackrock Castle. Unfortunately, weather apps are unreliable and when we turned we were hit with a brisk headwind for the first 400m. It took until the left-hand turn by Jacob’s Island for the forecasted excellent tailwind to turn up.

8. Trevor

I think that Trevor Cummins had a fantastic race. Trevor arrived with the tailwind. He was tremendously helpful to me over the last 2k. I probably wouldn’t have had any chance of beating Mike without him. We got into a good rhythm from 3k to 4.5k with no signs of Mike. I was happy to work with Trevor but I was not happy to be beaten by him. So I had to come up with a plan how to beat Trevor too.

9. The Taming of the Mike

I think that the best training for races is races. I have been working on the finish of races in my last few races and think that I have gotten slightly less terrible at the last few 100m. It takes concentration and hatred. Mix the two together and you get a sprint. I managed to shed Trevor when we turned left for the last time and could see Blackrock Castle. I kept going hoping and praying that Mike wouldn’t bound by laughing at me like he normally does. Thankfully all my practice paid off and I beat Mike and my new great rival Trevor. Nick O’Donoghue snuck up and finished between me and my rivals unnoticed.

10. First Ever Prize

I think that this is the first time that I have won a top three prize in a 5K BHAA race on in the city. These are the hardest races to win prizes in as loads of people show up. I actually finished fifth which was still great as it wasn’t fourth but Paul Moloney and Barry weren’t registered, so I came third and got a prize which I wasn’t there to collect because I didn’t think I’d won a prize. Thankfully Mark Walsh who came second but actually won was there and collected the prize for me.

Cork BHAA Sterling 5K

10 Things I Think About The Cork BHAA Sterling 5K

1. Ringaskiddy Again

I think that Ringaskiddy is my favourite location for BHAA races. It’s only 20 minutes from Glanmire, has a good playground for Billy and there’s no trouble with parking like down the Marina. The only problem with Ringaskiddy is the wind and the hills but they can be useful for keeping the fast fellas away.

2. Saw Tooth Profile

I think that there is no way someone would start a new race with a route like this 5K. It doesn’t have a metre of flat road. If you look at the profile on Strava it looks like a bad saw. John Walshe said that the route hasn’t changed since he first measured the route a few years back. It’s nice to have races like this so we can see how much more terrible modern runners like me are. Mark Hanrahan ran 14 minutes on this course which seems impossible, especially without magic shoes.

3. Punctuality

I think that the Cork BHAA get a bad rap for not starting races exactly at 8pm. I was worried that they might start this race early to make a point so I made sure to get to the start 3 minutes before 8pm. Thankfully the relaxed atmosphere remains and we had time for a good chat, a few photos, clapping for Andy and Sarah’s wedding and letting the 223 bus pass before we got underway.

4. Around the Outside

I think that I was surprised at how fast the race went out. I knew from running it last year that the run to the first left hand corner at the ferry port was quick but I got a bit caught out by how quick the lads at the front went out. It took me until the downhill before the bend to get back up to the front group. Then I swept around the outside of the group to the front before I quickly realized that this was not going to be a normal race.

5. Block Headwind

I think that the wind made this race. Once we turned left at the traffic light we were straight into the magical combination that is an uphill headwind. I had no interest in carrying Viv and Co up the hill into the wind so I pulled up and found shelter for the next 2km. Luckily Ray from Togher was quite happy to run a steady pace into the wind up the hill so I sat in and waited for the wind and hill to go away.

6. Thank God for Ray

I think that if it wasn’t for Ray we would still be out running the section between Ringaskiddy and Shanbally. It was disgraceful stuff by the rest of us. No one was willing to run into the wind, everyone wanted to be like Viv and tuck in and wait. Normally I would be willing to try and make it hard but I’m tired of that tactic not working so I choose to be like Viv and sit in and wait for as long as it took which happened to be until Shanbally.

7. Shanbally Shenanigans

I think that there were a lot of people in contention for the win as we passed the 3k mark before turning left up yet another climb at Shanbally. Thankfully once we turned left we only had the uphill to contend with as the wind had disappeared. Gavin began to wind things up so I got straight onto the back of him and hoped I could hang on and that Viv wouldn’t.

8. Hang onto Gavin

I think that the hill out of Shanbally was just about short enough to allow me to hang onto Gavin. Once we crested the top of the Shanbally climb we turned right down a steep hill which was perfect as I was able to use Gavin as a pacemaker all the way to 400m to go. The Vaporflys behind started to get fainter and fainter so I began to believe that I had evolved into a master tactician and would turn all my fourths into seconds without any change in ability or training.

9. I Can Move When I Want To

I think that I got up the final hill much better than normal. Gavin disappeared the minute we hit the climb, it was very unfair how quick he went up it. If I could be like Gavin I would beat Viv easily, unfortunately I’m not and Viv pranced by silently before Aidan stormed by both of us just before the crest of the hill. I was moving a little better than normal up the hill so I held off my other finishing straight enemy Kris and ended up in my usual finishing position.

10. Usualth Position

I think that races that give prizes down to fourth are the best races. This was a very well organized race so I’m not surprised that they thought about recognizing the hard work that goes into consistently finishing in 4th position. Viv was extremely delighted about the bad beating that he had administered. He probably could have beaten Aidan for second but he runs mainly on hatred for me so he stopped sprinting all out once he had me beaten. I’ll just have to accept that he is going to beat me in 5ks, at least I have the other distances.

Cork City Marathon 2024

10 Things I Think About The Cork City Marathon 2024

1. For Runners By Runners

I think that you can tell how good a race is going to be by the number or runners involved in the organization. This was a marathon for runners by runners, everything was how I would have done it, it was like Michael Herlihy organized it, impeccable. It was my sixth Cork Marathon which means I am nearly very old and possibly the person with the most experience of the route and conditions which is both good and bad.

2. Bagpipes

I think that I am very lucky to be classified as an “elite” marathon runner in Cork. I hope SuperValu don’t do what Mercadona did for the Valencia Marathon and turn it into the fastest marathon in the world. It’s great fun walking down from Elverys to the startline led by a man playing the bagpipes. We only had a few seconds on the start line before the best Lord Mayor, Kieran McCarthy fired the gun and off we went into the typical blinding sunshine of a June Bank Holiday weekend in Cork.

3. Computer Says No

I think that the worst thing about having run Cork a few too many times is that if you’ve stuck your hand into the fire that is going out too hard and ending up waddling in the straight road it’s hard to do it again. As we ran down the South Mall I was horrified to see Barry Twohig and Danny Mullins take off up the road not far behind the significantly larger than normal lead group. I considered going after them but as we turned back towards town after the short trip around Blackpool I saw a large group containing Viv and Tadhg behind and decided that I didn’t want to risk ending up on the straight road having my legs held up in the air by Kieran McKeown.

4. The Group

I think that the easiest way to run a marathon is to run with a big group. One or two people isn’t enough, you need about five or six to make it interesting. This is why the big city marathons are so much faster because there is always a big group to follow. I ended up with in a lovely group containing Viv, Tadhg, Anthony McCarthy, Joe from Mallow via Frankfurt and Peter in full Hoka kit who I mistakenly thought was an American but was in fact from Dublin. We stayed together until about 17 miles which is where the marathon starts in Cork.

5. Too Sweet

I think that I have work to do on my Maurten gel consumption. Every good influencer and podcast says that the key to marathon running is consuming 90g per hour of carbohydrate. I set off with 130g of carbohydrates in the pockets of my Soar Marathon shorts which over four years are slowly but surely justifying the significant cost. I managed to take 40g at miles 6 and 12, then 25g at mile 18, then it became too sweet for me, so I gave my last gel to Viv. I didn’t feel like I ran out of energy so perhaps 39.9g per hour is enough.

6. Water, Water, Everywhere

I think that the water on course was exceptional. There was water everywhere. It even came in the most perfect small bottles with sports caps that you could hold in your hand and run along with quite easily. Another advantage of being in a group is that you can give your water bottle to Viv to hold while you deal with the difficult task of opening a gel. Other notable excellent cold water came from Donal Coffey and Sheldon.

7. Slow Boil

I think that the major problem with Cork is the heat. There are lots of studies on heat and its impact on running, I bet there are none on the impacts of running a marathon in Cork. It is the perfect storm when it comes to heat and running. Because it starts off at 815am it feels kind of cool so it’s easy to go off too fast, then it warms up as it goes along and the hardest part of the course comes when the temperature has reached it’s highest point so if you’ve gone off too fast you are in big, big trouble. This doesn’t happen in Valencia as it’s on in winter so the temperature is the same at the start as it is at the end so judging pacing is a lot easier. There is no fixing this problem. It’s just figuring out how not to get boiled.

8. Leeside Lumps

I think that over the years I have come to like the miles from Turners Cross to Farranlea Road more and more. It is a terrible part of the course to end up solo but in a small group it is wonderful. The only thing I would change is I would have a shoe change station on the South Link where you could change from AlphaFlys to Vaporflys to deal with all the corners. Volunteers like Graham could then transport the Alphaflys down to the end of the straight road so that you could change back for the run home.

9. Clear Air Turbulence

I think that the best way to deal with the straight road is to think about it positively. I kept telling myself that the straight road was where I was going to be at my best because of how wonderful the AlphaFly3s are on a flat straight road so I was kind of looking forward to it. By the time we turned right out onto the most feared road in Cork the group in the battle for the all important 15th position had been whittled down to me, Viv and Tadhg. Sheldon was on hand to capture the moment Tour De France style when Viv was dropped in dramatic fashion by myself and Tadhg. This was very surprising as the slipstream created by two us two monsters running side by side was probably worth 30 seconds a mile, perhaps it was turbulent air.

10. Finishing Hug

I think that I should have asked Tadhg to leave it to a sprint down Patrick Street as there was no one on North Main Street to appreciate the greatness that was the battle for 15th position. It was epic, it began outside the Franciscan Well when Tadhg decided that it was time for the group to become a group of one. I wasn’t very happy about this decision. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it and I was left to chase him down North Main Street past the historic falling down buildings held up with rusty metal bars before turning onto Patrick Street. I walked across the finish line triathlon style because I was tired before being hugged by Tadhg. I collected my car key from Graham and applauded Viv home a few seconds later. A great day out.


10 Things I Think About The Cork BHAA PWC 5k

1. Training Season

I think it’s great to have the midweek races back. They are a great excuse for not having to do a training session. I don’t particularly like training sessions, everyone else seems to love them, there are even podcasts dedicated to people talking about their training sessions in great detail. I wish that more people in Cork would do training sessions instead of races so that I could win BHAA races.

2. Evening Preparation

I think that it takes a while to get back into the flow of an evening race. An evening race is a lot harder to prepare for than a morning race especially for the belly. I basically ate toast for the day to keep the belly happy. Then I had to take a beetroot shot for the first time in the evening which is more unpleasant than in the morning.

3. Some Turnout

I think that there must have been nearly 1000 people at the race. It was a very big crowd for a small 5k on a dank, wet and windy evening in early April. It is great to see that so many people have discovered how great running races is. The BHAA people registering 1000 people in one hour is impressive work.

4. The Fear

I think that it is interesting that no matter how often I race I am always scared at the start. When I got to the start line at Kennedy Park, I found a terrible number of good runners, Denis Hegarty, Aidan Noone, James Hayes and Adamh who I jogged over to the start with. At least I’ll be able to beat Peter Hanrahan I thought.

5. He Gone

I think that Denis Hegarty is a very good strategist. It is an excellent strategy to just run away from everyone at such a pace that no one will even think about trying to follow you, Mark Hanrahan used to do this to great effect. Before we got to the Live at the Marquee junction after about a kilometer Denis had the race won with second and third place being all that was left for decision.

6. Cork No Track Club

I think that being able beat all of the Cork No Track Club athletes would guarantee at least a few BHAA road race victories. They may have no track, but they have some good athletes. Tonight, they sent James Hayes, I knew he was probably going to run away from me over the last mile like Anthony and Barry normally do but it was nice to be able to stay with him for a while.

7. It’s The Athletes Responsibility to Know the Course

I think that if I learned anything from last year it was that you could potentially become a national champion over 10k by knowing the course when everyone else doesn’t. Because of that race I now study the race route in great detail before the race so that I can win if there is any confusion. The bit around SuperValu Pairc Ui Caoimh seemed to cause James Hayes great confusion. James Hayes is a nice man so I told him where the course went and we were all fine.

8. The Monster

I think that Billy is a very good judge of characters. He has always called Peter Hanrahan the monster ever since they first met in The Edge when Billy was about two. As we came back onto Center Park Road for the final mile I was horrified to see Peter cruising along with perfect form looking completely untroubled in his Swiss engineered On Cloudboom Echo shoes which no one else wears. I knew that we were all doomed if Peter was in touch within sight of the line so I tried briefly to push the pace to get rid of him. It did nothing, this monster was undroppable.

9. That Point

I think that races are very annoying. The worst part of any race is that point when the group you are with gradually eases away and there is nothing that you can do about it. It is terrible and doesn’t seem fair at the time as you are trying very hard. As we passed the Marina Market it was still a group of five, first James Hayes slowly increased the pace, followed by Aidan. Then to my horror Peter followed Aidan and I was left briefly left with Adhamh before he too gradually distanced me. There was nothing I could do except run home as fast as I could and try and get under 16 minutes which I didn’t.

10. Zero Carbon

I think that the BHAA races are very green races. The Green Party would have been very happy with me tonight. Tim gave me a lift into the race, the race number had already been used at least once if not twice and I gave it back afterwards, even the safety pins had been used before. Then to make it even greener I ran home as my warm down as I hadn’t reached the acceptable amount of running for the day which is currently 10 miles. There are benefits to not being good enough to win prizes, it’s probably green not to win prizes too.

pHOTO: gRAHAM meikle